Areas of Review Areas of review and points of access for a Hotel.
- Handicapped Accessible Parking
- The number of handicapped parking spaces
- Does the hotel offer valet parking or some form of assistance (concierge)
- The Entrance to the Hotel/Building
- The size of the entrance, whether it is a push button or automatic, with the universal handicapped sign. The size of the entrance/door/doors or even a separate door that is of certain dimensions acceptable to ADA Code.
- Curb Cuts, Steps, Sidewalk and the Slope or Rise and Run of Front Entrance
- The distance from where you arrive at the front desk/check in
- Checking In
- The height of the desk or place of check in.
- Some hotels will offer their clients different forms of handicapped accessible rooms (sizes/styles/shapes/amenities)
- Service Dogs/Animals
- Pet friendly
- Assistance with Personal Belongings
- Luggage, bags, medical equipment, wheelchair (assistance), cane, walker, oxygen tank, etc.
- Valet, Concierge, Personal Assistant
- The Number of ADA-Dedicated rooms
- The Direction and Distance from the Front Desk to the Handicapped Accessible Room/Rooms
- Is there a ramp/incline/steps/elevator/lift, etc.
- Lobby/mezzanine
- The Distance of the Accessible Room/Rooms to the Fire Escape.
- Stairs to go down, or up, first floor (fire escape)
- The most accessible way out in case of emergency
- The Entrance to Room/Rooms, and Variables In-between
- The exact size, of the Handicapped Accessible room’s door. (The number of inches of the door frame compared with ADA compliance)
- The surface of the ground, for example: carpet, wood, tile, masonite, concrete, marble, pavement (hard/middle/soft)
- Size of Bathroom Door, or Open Access to Bathroom/Facilities in Accessible Room
- The ability to open the bathroom door, or close the door, determined by the weight/pressure.
- Privacy
- The ability to turn a wheelchair 180’/360’/degrees, while in the bathroom
- The height of the sink/basin
- Does the sink allow for a person in a wheelchair to access the underside with a wheelchair?
- The format/style of the faucet/sink, are or their push/turn/automated fixtures
- The format/style of the vanity, pedestal, drop in sink, etc.
- The height of the mirror, light switch, all amenities
- The location of all the outlets. Including emergency call/switch/etc.
- Toilet Height, Grab Bars and other Assistive Devices/Equipment
- The Style of, or Lay-out of Shower/Tub
- Walk-in or roll-in shower
- Stall shower
- Tub with shower wand or sprinkler head, with grab bars
- Grab bars/hand bars and height
- The surface of the floor/ground, example: tile, marble, granite, carpet, etc.
- Shower seat/bench/chair
- Emergency Switch in Bathroom/Restroom, Location
- The Number of Beds/Sizes/Heights/Distances
- The amount of room around the bed or beds (difficulty getting around bed/beds)
- The height of the bed/beds
- Location of Phone or Emergency Pull Switch from bed/beds
- The Height of all Switches and outlets from the floor
- The Height of the Door knob and (peep Hole), Security look through to see out Door
- Height of window/windows if they are present
- The height of the curtains/shades/blinds
- What is the ability to access the aforementioned (shades), example: are you able to maneuver around the bed/table, etc.
- The Overall Dimensions of the Room, Bathroom, and any other Space
- Is a Desk or Office Space offered
- What is the height from the floor to the top of desk
- What is the height from the floor to the underside of desk
- What sort of Furniture is offered if any, and is it able to be moved around the room (or taken out of room)
- Style of furniture, office style/lounge/casual, couches, chairs, etc.
- Is the furniture hard/middle/soft
- What other Forms of Amenities are Offered in the Room that Fits the Universal Design Model
- If the Hotel has other Accommodations such as Fitness Center, Health Club/Yoga/Spa/Room Service/Dining and other Amenities.
- What is the specific distance from Accessible room/rooms, to all Hotel accommodations/amenities
- What inconsistencies are in-between the Accessible rooms and Hotel Amenities
- What is the Distance to the Closest Hospital.
Power Assisted Door – This is a door that is mechanically run by push button, for human passage. The power assisted door is designed to relieve pressure, while creating force enabling the door to open on command.
Signage – Displays verbal or symbolic information, for example “ the International Symbol of Accessibility”, through the sense of touch one may also be directed.
Emergency Controls – Are there mechanisms along accessible routes that enable control. Example: Lighting Switches, dispense controls, such as a paper towel dispenser. Alarms shall be both audible and visual.
Emergency Identification – Area’s of rescue assistance shall be identified by a sign which states “Area of Rescue Assistance”, along with displaying the international symbol of accessibility.
Valet Parking – This is an area where a passenger loading zone may exist on an accessible route, to the entrance of a facility.
Accessible Parking – Parking requirements for accessible spaces per lot size.
Parking Lots |
Required Minimum Number of Accessible Spaces |
1 to 25 |
1 |
26 to 50 |
2 |
51 to 75 |
3 |
76 to 100 |
4 |
101 to 150 |
5 |
151 to 200 |
6 |
201 to 300 |
7 |
301 to 400 |
8 |
401 to 500 |
9 |
501 to 1M |
2% of total |
1001 and over |
20, plus 1 for each 100 over 1M |
Platform Lift – Area designed to provided an accessible route to a performing area in an assembly occupancy. Example: distance from a platform to a counter, at a hotel desk or bank teller. A platform lift may be used to enhance a wheelchair viewer’s line of sight.
Restroom – Accessible toilet facilities and bathing areas shall be on an accessible route. Where a toilet facility is incapable of being accessible, a unisex accessible bathroom may exist with a latch, a lavatory, and a watering closet.
Faucets – Shall be lever operated, or push type. Motion sensor controls are also acceptable.
Bathtubs – Shall not have any obstructing space in front of them.
Shower Chairs – Shall be fixtures at the rear of the tub. The chairs are to be mounted, to the back of the tub eliminating slippage.
Shower Unit – The shower unit shall provide a spray unit, with a hose. A fixed shower unit with a hand held adjustable wand.
Bathtub Enclosure – The bath tub enclosure shall not be track mounted on the rim of the tub. The enclosure shall not obstruct an individual’s ability to transfer to and from one’s wheelchair.
Grab Bars – Grab Bars are to be provided, throughout the bath tub shower enclosure. Grab Bars and handrails shall also be present around bathroom facilities. If grab bars are mounted, the spaces between the wall and the grab bar shall be 11/2 inches. Grab Bars are not to rotate within their fittings.
Assembly Area’s – Areas of Assembly and there seating capacity, are supposed to have a designated number of accessible seating locations.
4 to 25 |
# 1 Accessible Area |
26 to 50 |
# 2 |
51 to 300 |
# 3 |
300 to 500 |
# 4 |
Over 500
There is supposed to be six plus one additional space for each total seating capacity increase of 100. |
Team Events – Venues that team and players compete at sporting events shall contain a number of accessible spaces. These venues have to provide more than one accessible space.
Location – One accessible route within the boundary of the site shall be provided from public transportation stops, accessible passenger loading zones, accessible parking, accessible passenger loading zones, and public streets or sidewalks to an accessible building entrance.
Location – A running slope greater than 1:20 on an accessible route is a ramp. A cross slope shall not exceed 1:50 on an accessible route.
Curb Ramps – A curb ramps minimum width shall be 36 inches, including flared sides of the curb. Maximum slope of a flared curb ramp shall be 1:10.
Grating – Walkway grating, walkways surface shall have spaces no greater than 1.5 inch width in the same direction.
Handrails – Handrails are required if a ramp run has a rise greater than 6 inches or a horizontal elevation greater than 72 inches.
Islands – Islands are required in crossings to cut through level with the street, or to have curb ramps on either side of the elevated island.
Elevators – Elevators shall be on accessible routes. Elevators shall be automated. Illumination of car controls, platforms, shall be at least 5 feet of candle light
Turnstile – Doors shall have adjacent, accessible gates or doors, which shall overlap turnstiles.
Two Door Series – Minium spaces between two hinged or pivoted doors in a series shall be forty eight inches, plus the width of door swing into the space.
*Selected information has been abstracted from the American Disabilities Act of 1990’ and Amended in 2008.*